A documentary film (within a film) about a group of college puppets who set out to save their program by performing one of the greatest plays ever written in hopes of finally being taken seriously.

The Last Puppet Show: A documentary film (within a film)

The first time we made contact with the WVU puppets was 2022. We had heard of the Puppetry Program through our producer, Kyle Frazier, a WVU alumni…but until we read an article about the puppets, we didn’t realize the program was in danger of being shut down.

After forty years of service, the puppets were being shown the door. Forty years of dedication to the students, their school and their community. The puppets thought they could make a difference, and when we heard their plan, we were intrigued. Puppets performing classic Shakespeare? This we had to see…and film. We set out to make a short documentary about the program, but it got…much weirder. Part documentary, part narrative, pure fun, and much like Hamlet itself: a play within a play

The Last Puppet Show: A documentary film (within a film)

The first time we made contact with the WVU puppets was 2022. We had heard of the Puppetry Program through our producer, Kyle Frazier, a WVU alumni…but until we read an article about the puppets, we didn’t realize the program was in danger of being shut down.

After forty years of service, the puppets were being shown the door. Forty years of dedication to the students, their school and their community. The puppets thought they could make a difference, and when we heard their plan, we were intrigued. Puppets performing classic Shakespeare? This we had to see…and film. We set out to make a short documentary about the program, but it got…much weirder. Part documentary, part narrative, pure fun, and much like Hamlet itself: a play within a play





